Let the nominations begin for the 2016 Childfree Man and Woman of the Year! The winners will be announced on August 1, International Childfree Day. How did this start? Check it out.


Awhile back, I learned of an organization that existed in the 70s-early 80s-the National Alliance for Optional Parenthood. Called the National Organization for Non-Parents (NON) at the time, in 1973 it celebrated “Non-Parents Day” on August 1st, and announced a Male and Female Non-Parent of the Year. The winners were Stewart Mott, a 35-year-old bachelor and philanthropist and Mrs. Anna Silverman, a 25-year-old teacher and co-author (with her husband Arthur) of The Case Against Having Children.

They both rode down 5th Avenue in New York in an open top cab with laurel leaf crowns as “Non-Parent King and Queen” near the Plaza Hotel to call attention to August 1, Non-Parents Day. There were other festivities, including, Joan Harriman, a mother and executive coordinator of NON at the time, who organized a “Consciousness Raising Social” at the Institute for Rational Living, with the National Non-Parents of the Year winners presiding.

Bringing it Back

Reading about this organization and Non-Parents Day inspired me to resurrect this day. In 2013, I sought out childfree authors and bloggers to see if they wanted to be part of bringing back this day, now calling it International Childfree Day.

international childfree day

The International Childfree Day website was created, I put together a Selection Panel, and we put the word out in social media for childfree man and woman of the year nominees. The panel reviewed the nominations, selected the winners, and announced them on August 1st, International Childfree Day. It was a great success!

And it has been since. Now four years running, it is almost time for nominations to begin for the 2016 Childfree Man & Woman of the Year!

Learn more about last year’s winners Here

Check out previous year winners Here

Along with my long-standing mission of the acceptance of the childfree choice as part of moving toward a post-pronatal society, I remain dedicated to making International Childfree Day on August 1st happen as an annual recognition of amazing childfree people and their lives, and to continue NON’s mission of educating “the public on non-parenthood as a valid lifestyle option.”

Know an amazing childfree person? Nominate him or her! Click here to learn about how to nominate. Nomination collection submissions start June 27th!


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