On August 1, 1973, the non-profit organization, National Organization for Non-Parents (NON), celebrated Non-Parents Day by awarding a Female and Male National Non-Parent of the Year. Later known as the National Alliance for Optional Parenthood (NAOP), it existed from 1972-1982 with a mission to “educate the public on non-parenthood as a valid lifestyle option.”
Forty years later, in 2013, I spearheaded bringing back this “Day” on August 1 of each year. I pulled together childfree authors and bloggers Marcia Drut-Davis, Patricia Pedraza-Nafziger, Amy and Lance Blackstone that year to start it again as an annual recognition of amazing childfree people and their lives, and as a wonderful way to foster the acceptance of the childfree choice in today’s society. It began with each year having the Childfree Woman and Man of the Year nominated like NON did, but in the interest of expanding the variety of nominations, in 2018 the Selection Panel that year decided to change it to the Childfree Person and Group of the Year.
Each year there is a call for nominations, and the Selection Panel picks the winners who are announced on International Childfree Day. I have chaired the Panel since the start, and each year a stellar childfree Panel has the honor of reviewing nominations and selecting winners from around the world!
Do you know a childfree person or group you’d like the world to know about? Nominate them! Deadline for nominations is July 22nd! Details are Here.
Please join this annual celebratory Day on the childfree choice and those who make it!
Excellent Idea! I will share this with my FB friends and I will be happy to offer a free signed copy of my book Two is Enough as well. Now, how do I celebrate this special day of tribute to the childfree????
Hi Laura! Re offering a copy of your book – Nice! To celebrate, of all the childfree you must encounter, I say nominate someone! Best regards, Laura
Sounds like a good idea to me. I’ve actually been meaning to add a Childfree Corner to my blog. I think International Childfree Day would be an excellent day to start it.
Poke me when you start it! ~L
Will do 🙂
Hi Laura, just stopping back to let you know I started it today. http://wp.me/p1RjNH-1ew
Excellent! Love the your first post, of course! ~L