by Laura | Jan 31, 2014 | Pronatalism
In case you have not seen it, Amy Glass’ post on Thought Catalog had the digital waves smoking this week. Her post, “I Look Down on Young Women With Husbands And Kids and I’m Not Sorry” got Chris Jeub going to the point where he took on the whole childfree movement...
by Laura | Aug 15, 2011 | Childfree & Sociology Topics, Childfree Issues
mtuni, a commenter here, recently made an observation on some comments mostly in response to my recent Alamo Theater post. She spotted something that has not happened here before — “hit and run trolling” type of rant. She observes…...
by Laura | Jan 6, 2011 | Childfree Issues, Childfree/Parenthood Related
In addition to three resolutions in the previous post, a piece by Mamajoy makes me think of one more. We’ve seen a good deal of back and forth ranting between parents and the childfree out there. Parents have judgments and feel judged by the childfree and vice...
by Laura | Sep 25, 2010 | Childfree & Sociology Topics, Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree/Parenthood Related
In May, The Washington Post did a piece about the growing number of young families to in urban areas such as Washington D.C., Boston and New York, and the growing resentment over having to accommodate them in public places. It drew hundreds of comments, and according...