All That I Need: Childless by Choice, by Natasja Rose

by Lisa Alfe

In All That I Need: Childless by Choice, Natasja Rose compiles the thoughts, feelings and lifestyle aspects of nineteen people without children by choice. In the book, she shares her survey results arranged by five questions she asked respondents, followed by quoted answers from each of them. The responses include positive and negative experiences of being childfree, what they wish they had known about being childfree earlier in life, and any final thoughts that they wanted to share.

As someone who is childfree, I related quite well to many of the thoughts respondents shared. A couple of specific quotes struck me:

“I love being childfree, it’s absolutely the life for me and I will shout it from the roof tops any chance I get! Life is all about choices, and I know I’ve absolutely made the right one for me.”

“Everyone is unique and there is not a single template that you can apply to most people. It just doesn’t work. I wish people would hear each other out more often before making harsh and unfair judgements.”

There is joy, humor, and many of the responses highlight the financial, emotional, and environmental aspects of making the childfree choice. I found myself truly engaged in many of the responses, including one passage in particular that had me nodding along:

                “Childfree, not childless. Freedom is the best thing…

in every sense of the word, I’m free.”

It felt very comforting and encouraging to read about other people who have made the same life choice as I have. If anything, I would love to see more survey questions and answers that would make for a  lengthier book.

A good read for childfree people, in All That I Need readers who are feeling pressured to have children but don’t think parenthood is for them will find like-minded people. For many years, I felt lonely in my decision, but the tides are changing, and more people are sharing their choice to live childfree. If you are looking for childfree community, give this book a read.

Overall, I enjoyed reading All That I Need. These are my people. Publications like this help childfree people be better understood and this life choice become more respected and accepted in society.


Thank you, Lisa!

Books are childfree Lisa Alfe’s passion. In fact, the extra bedroom in her home has been turned into a library where she reads while enjoying a cup of coffee and snuggling with her dog.


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