Child-Free, A Journey With Me!: How to Reach Wholeness, by Lesley Ford

by Angela Sholty

Child-Free, A Journey With Me!: How to Reach Wholeness by Lesley Ford is an affirmation for all young women, especially those who are struggling with society’s pressure to become mothers.

An easy read, the book takes readers through the steps of Ford’s journey to being a healthy and mindful childfree woman. From changing mindsets to letting go of guilt and embracing freedom, each chapter presents one of seven steps to living life well and taking charge of one’s wholeness. The book focuses on being at peace with oneself and one’s life choices. As Ford writes, “We have to initiate our own conversation that will not only normalize but celebrate diverse lifestyles.”

Reading Child-Free, A Journey With Me!: How to Reach Wholeness feels like a coffee date with an old friend. In it Ford writes openly about her childfree struggles and is no stranger to feeling society’s pressure to become a mother. She reminds readers that even if this journey feels lonely, there are many people on the same journey. Ford also uplifts readers with helpful affirmations and sends them on their way with positive energy.

At times it seems Ford takes readers on paths not expected in a book about living childfree, but they speak to what wholeness can mean being childfree women. Not just women without children, they have something to give to the world. Ford herself is passionate about teaching, and uses her gifts to help others use theirs. Also a strong woman of faith, she uses this faith to help feed her soul and live a full and fruitful life.

Ford’s memoir shows us how to come to peace with the decision to live a childfree life, live it unapologetically and be a beacon for what childfree living can be.


Thank you, Angela!


Angela is a K-12 art teacher from Nebraska. During the summer if not home reading, quilting, or spending time in her yard she loves to travel.  

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