What Would Cleopatra Do?

What Would Cleopatra Do?

I recently found myself at the airport having just finished my latest read with time to spare before boarding the plane. What better way to kill time than peruse the airport bookstore! Often my next book presents itself to me, and this is just what happened within...
The Cows [Don’t Follow the Herd] by Dawn O’Porter

The Cows [Don’t Follow the Herd] by Dawn O’Porter

While my book collection largely focuses on nonfiction, The Cows fits into my Surprise Picks category as a fiction work. As an author and researcher on the childfree choice for some time now, whenever I hear of a novel with a childfree character, I have to check it...
On the Auto-Fictional Novel, Motherhood, by Sheila Heti

On the Auto-Fictional Novel, Motherhood, by Sheila Heti

While my LiveTrue book collection focuses on nonfiction, given my background as a writer and author on childfree and parenthood decision-related topics, the subject matter of this novel makes it an exception! Check out book review team member Brittany Brolley’s...
No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters, by Ursula Le Guin

No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters, by Ursula Le Guin

Review by Melanie Holmes In No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters, Ursula K. Le Guin gives us a collection of her last published thoughts. After its release, at 88, Le Guin died just 33 days later.  Known for her science fiction and poetry, the essays in this...

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