by Laura | Feb 13, 2011
George Lakoff, a cognitive linguist at Berkeley, discusses the concept of “framing” in this book, particularly as it relates to political campaigns. But when you read it, you will see its application goes way beyond politics, and that it also brings a...
by Laura | Feb 12, 2011
Conceiving the Future is a look at how, during a formative period of our nation’s history, cultural currents converged to create a powerful environment of “pronatalism.” It is one of the few books since Ellen Peck’s book, Pronatalism came out...
by Laura | Feb 8, 2011
In 1989, fresh off a gig at Salomon Brothers, Michael Lewis wrote his first book, Liar’s Poker, a devastating look at the Wall Street culture of the 80s. More than 20 years later, after a slew of great non-fiction books—two of the most notable, Money Ball and The...
by Laura | Feb 3, 2011
Though issues relating to marriage have seen much public debate of late, mostly marriage can be seen as a private contract between two people. In her ambitious and comprehensive study of marriage and its connection over the years to the American political and economic...
by Laura | Feb 3, 2011
Ayaan Hirsi Ali has certainly earned her tough stance on Islam. As a young girl in Somali she was subjected to genital mutilation, and to brutal beatings by her mother when she departed from the strict path laid out for girls. She narrowly escaped a forced marriage...