All That is Bitter and Sweet

All That is Bitter and Sweet

Being a big fan of Ashley Judd, I looked forward to reading this memoir. I quickly realized it would be unlike many memoirs about famous actors. Like many memoirs of the famous, we do learn about her family life growing up – which was not an easy one. But most of what...
The Magic of Reality

The Magic of Reality

Author of The God Delusion and The Greatest Show on Earth, Richard Dawkins’ latest is a unique look at how everything is “living true.” In  The Magic of Reality, he shows us how the “real world, as understood scientifically, has magic of its own,” and how “next...
Millennial Momentum: How a New Generation is Remaking America

Millennial Momentum: How a New Generation is Remaking America

This great nonfiction book is a captivating analysis of the Millennials. Here is the review by Richard Geldard of Huffington Post Books: The Millennial Momentum is about “this huge generation of Americans, over 80 million strong, whose influence in the 2008...
More: Population, Nature and What Women Want

More: Population, Nature and What Women Want

Before I read More: Population, Nature, and What Women Want, I had to admit I was somewhat skeptical. Let’s face it: any man that says “What Women Want” in the title of his book opens himself up to all sorts of cynicism. But I was pleasantly surprised;...

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