by Laura | Mar 21, 2017 | Man Swarm Related, Social-Cultural Issues
As many of you may recall, I collaborated with Dave Foreman, one of North America’s leading conservationists, on my last book, the 2nd edition of Man Swarm: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World. With the election of Donald Trump, and the impending...
by Laura | Mar 15, 2017 | Pronatalism
Pew Research Center’s FactTank: News in the Numbers recently published, “5 facts on love and marriage in America.” There are some interesting figures. The first fact has to do with the top reason Americans say they marry. Where does having children rank? Check it out....
by Laura | Mar 8, 2017 | Social-Cultural Issues
Today is International Women’s Day! This Day has an interesting and powerful history. I like wikipedia’s description, as overall, it is a day that “commemorates the movement for women’s rights.” Today, I am inspired to post this short...
by Laura | Mar 2, 2017 | Baby Matrix related, Childfree Research-related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
A recent study points to the entrenched workings of pronatalism, this one with a sample of college students at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Check it out. Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, associate professor of psychology, conducted a study where 204...
by Laura | Feb 15, 2017 | Childfree Interview-Related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
Check out this podcast I recently did with the fun and lively Grace Collins and Michelle Zunter at The Groovy Podcast! I am on a podcast roll … Also check out this one by This is Home, an excellent podcast with Emily Skehan and Erica Gerard~! I talk about...
by Laura | Feb 9, 2017 | Baby Matrix related, Pronatalism
A recent article in the Life/Parent section of The Toronto Star took on a topic we’ve been seeing more of these days: motherhood regret. This article, “Mothers not alone in regret over having children” speaks to one of the most central pronatalist myths that all too...
by Laura | Jan 26, 2017 | Social-Cultural Issues
I went to the Women’s March in DC last weekend! As I am sure you have read, the March made history! Why did I go? For a number of reasons, but the two biggies: the current administration’s policy positions seriously stand to worsen climate change and have...
by Laura | Jan 21, 2017 | On a Personal Note
This is where I am today! If you are as well, or if you are at one of the 600+ marches around the world, please comment and let us know where you are!
by Laura | Jan 11, 2017 | Childfree Interview-Related, Childfree Media-Related, Childfree Research-related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
The 2016 Childfree Man of the Year is a busy guy! At last, the folks at International Childfree Day recently did this Q&A with him: Can you tell us about the childfree study you conducted for your Master’s thesis? My childfree Master’s was done in 2001...
by Laura | Jan 5, 2017 | Social-Cultural Issues
Some new numbers from a Pew Research Center (PRC) FactTank article got me pondering. It states that “Millennial women (those born from 1981 to 1997) accounted for about eight-in-ten (82%) U.S. births in 2015.” Now that is a high percentage. Wharton School...