On the Childfree Making the Cover of TIME

On the Childfree Making the Cover of TIME

So last Thursday was a big day. The latest issue of Time magazine debuted (the Aug. 12 edition) the cover title, “The Childfree Life,” and “None is Enough,” as the issue’s feature article. On the same day, August 1st, International Childfree Day, the winners of the...
The Daddy Shift

The Daddy Shift

In The Daddy Shift Jeremy Adam Smith takes us into the lives of stay-at-home dads. He knows it first hand because he is one. In addition to his personal stories and the stories of other stay-at-home dads, he gives readers historical data, and discusses sociological...
What Do We Know About Babies in 2012?

What Do We Know About Babies in 2012?

Check out some stats in the January 9th edition of Time Magazine from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CIA World Fact Book, Demographic Intelligence, Pew Research, SSA, U.N., the U.S. Census and others…. 4 million babies will be born in the U.S....

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