by Laura | Apr 14, 2017 | Childfree Interview-Related, Childfree Media-Related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
Award-winning director Maxine Trump (no relation) is close to wrapping the important film, To Kid or Not To Kid, which aims to dispel the myth that making the decision to live childfree is weird, selfish or somehow wrong. I recently caught up with Maxine to talk...
by Laura | Apr 10, 2017 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Media-Related, Childfree Research-related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
A recent study, “Parenthood as a Moral Imperative? Moral Outrage and the Stigmatization of Voluntarily Childfree Women and Men” by Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, has recently received quite a bit of online ink. The Outrage Result I elaborate on the study here; briefly –...
by Laura | Dec 30, 2016 | Childfree & Sociology Topics, Childfree Events, Childfree-Related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
At the beginning of 2016, I took stock of 40+ years of talking about the childfree choice. As we near the end of this year, I’d like to do the same just for this past year, and this time widen the discussion a bit. What positive trends have we seen this past year?...
by Laura | Jul 13, 2016 | Childfree Book-Related, Childfree Media-Related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
I recently had the pleasure of asking author Gloria Bowman about her novel, Human Slices, which has a main female character who is childfree. We also got into the childfree in novels and films. Check it out: Q&A with Gloria Bowman What inspired you to write Human...
by Laura | Jan 15, 2016 | Childfree Media-Related, Pronatalism
As 2015 came to a close, it marked another year of talking about the childfree choice Let’s take stock. In the big picture, we’ve seen an ascent of talk about this choice in the public sphere since the 70s. That’s over four decades. Where are we after 40+ years...