Chewing on Myths Single People Face
Reading the recent article, “The New Science of Single People” published on nymag.com’s Science of Us got me thinking about what lifelong single people have in common with the childfree: it revolves around being subject to myths. In her informative piece, Jesse Singal...
Stepping Back on “Looking Down On” Rants
In case you have not seen it, Amy Glass’ post on Thought Catalog had the digital waves smoking this week. Her post, “I Look Down on Young Women With Husbands And Kids and I’m Not Sorry” got Chris Jeub going to the point where he took on the whole childfree movement...
Nonfiction Books To Be Thankful For
Reading Rifflebooks giving thanks for November nonfiction releases inspired me to think about nonfiction books I am thankful for… There are so many! Here are just two that immediately came to mind: Reconceiving Women: Separating Motherhood From Female Identity ...
On the Advantages the Childfree Have For Parents and Kids
There remains the popular stereotype that the childfree must not like kids, and because we choose not to raise children we don’t want them to play a role in our lives. This is just not true for so many people who don’t have kids by choice. As associate professor and sociology department chair at the University of Maine Amy Blackstone writes in her piece, “Childless & Loving It: Not Being a Parent Has Advantages For Families & Kids” the childfree have an “important role to play in the lives of children.” Her interview research lines up with what I have found, starting with the fact that many childfree would say they “enjoy the company of children.”