According to Dr. Robert Holden, “the pursuit of happiness has sped up! We are chasing after happiness faster than ever.” In his article, “10 Ways to Find Happiness”  he also says that our happiness levels have not risen in recent years…

Way #1 in his article is “Define Happiness..” Maybe happiness levels have not risen because people don’t figure out their true answer to this question and commit to making it happen in their lives.

When I researched my book, Finding Fulfillment From the Inside Out, I found that people’s definition of happiness had everything to do with what life purpose meant to them.

And finding that purpose went beyond finding what they loved to “do” but why they loved to do it–what inner experiences they were truly looking for in life.

Unlike other “Keys to Happiness” lists I have seen, Holden’s does not include something that gets at, directly or indirectly, give of yourself through having a “family” — and in that sense, meaning having children.  Research tells us that loving someone and giving of ourselves to others does make us happier. And there are so many ways to do this, only one of which involves raising children.

To the childfree, what is on your list this year to become Even happier?

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