Making Room for You: A Practical Guide to Organizing Your Home
Review by LiveTrue Book Reviewer, Melanie Davis As I sat down to read Making Room for You, there was my dog – on the floor rolling through messy piles of paper I’d made in an attempt organize the clutter. I thought of the state of my drawers, closet, pantry, and the...
State of the World 2014: Governing for Sustainability
Review by Ken Hanson In State of the World 2014, the Worldwatch Institute has collected essays from some of the leaders in the discussion of world sustainability. Under the direction of Tom Prugh and Michael Renner, more than 28 experts and scholars tackle the premise...
Man Swarm: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World
Man Swarm Overpopulation is Real. We have come on like a swarm of locusts. Now at over seven billion and counting, renowned visionary conservationist and global thinker Dave Foreman helps us understand that only by stabilizing and reducing human population can we stop...