Review by LiveTrue Book Reviewer, Melanie Davis
As I sat down to read Making Room for You, there was my dog – on the floor rolling through messy piles of paper I’d made in an attempt organize the clutter. I thought of the state of my drawers, closet, pantry, and the borage of stuff under the seats of my car. I was ready to find ways to be more organized!
I read the Introduction and immediately came to adore the author, Meghan Hill, not just for what she was about to teach me, but for how well she understood my predicament. The compassion and assurance she gave made it impossible to put the book down. I read Making Room for You straight through in one sitting. After that I spent a few days going over the sections I needed most.The result: I had finally learned how to be organized.
Meghan Hill is a professional organizer. She drew from her experiences of working with more than 75 clients and the wisdom she gained along the way to write this book. Meghan teaches with skill and knowledge, yet conveys the process in such a fun and entertaining way, it’s like having her right there coaxing you to “let it go…”
Making Room for You provides direct counsel and savvy guidance. The end result is transformational. As she explains, “It will add years to your life and joy to your years” to be organized once and for all. She teaches us how being organized can lead to having greater power in our lives.
The first half of the book deals with the powerful emotions that come from living amidst chaos. Meghan teaches that a cluttered space is an assault to your senses and nervous system, but at the same time, getting rid of those things you have held onto for so many years, even decades, can potentially be a “Pandora’s Box” you must tackle or tame. There is a gentle reassurance throughout the book that you CAN do this, and it can even become an enjoyable experience.
The second half of Making Room for You is all about what to do with those things you are keeping once the purging process is complete; and what to do with the things you are eliminating. There are detailed tips and even container suggestions for each room or space you may have in your house.
One of the qualities of Making Room for You which I enjoyed most, along with the much-needed education, is the way Meghan articulates her instructions. This book is full of wonderful quotable messages such as, “The purpose of getting organized boils down to discernment. It is the process of separating the wheat from the chaff so that the useful and beautiful in your life can stand out instead of being eclipsed by all the things you don’t like or use.” Meghan Hill’s writing style is as enchanting as the vision she creates of how simple and joyful life can become once you are fully organized.

Meghan Hill
Find Meghan here:
Twitter @MeghanKHill
My husband is the unorganized one but I am thinking from this review this just might be what I need to understand and help him. Thanks so much.
It is an easy, practical read as well as a good examination of Why we can have just too much stuff around in our homes!
I need to read this to better understand myself and why I am so disorganized. Thanks for the review Melanie. I will now look for this book.
This book sounds like something I’ve been looking for to help me to declutter in a practical manner. I can also think of a few people in my family who would really benefit from it. Thanks for the review
I definitely need to read this book!! I have no problem getting rid of “things” however, my angst is in the organizational process & how to still make it functional once it’s all neatly tucked away.
This book sounds intriguing & helpful enough to break down some of those barriers for me!! I will definitely be seeking this out to give me some organizational freedom. Thanks!!!