by Laura | Sep 30, 2012
This title grabbed me; what are ways for business to do right by the world and make a profit? Now that would get us somewhere. Leading ecologist Gretchen Daily and Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Katherine Ellison team up to offer a glimpse at an emerging “new...
by Laura | Aug 11, 2012
Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen’s innovation with The Green Book is integrating essays from celebrities on how they are leading green lives. Cameron Diaz wrote the Foreword, and twelve other celebrities weigh in. While it might be tempting to dismiss...
by Laura | Jul 2, 2012
State of the World 2012: Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity is the Worldwatch Institute’s latest in its State of the World series that comes out annually. Worldwatch Institute is one of the world’s leading environmental think tanks and is dedicated to advancing...
by Laura | Jun 10, 2012
Look Great, Live Green by Deborah Burnes changed my buying habits big time. You will find that she will help you wade through the jungle of bodycare products and explore alternatives that are safer and better for the environment. Cosmetics are now a $60 billion a year...
by Laura | Jun 5, 2012
Don’t let this book’s thick size scare you. Alex Steffen packs an impressive amount of information and resources, that is meant to be a comprehensive guide you can consult over many years as need and interest demand. The book hooked me from the beginning...