by Laura | Feb 16, 2022
~ “You’ll Change Your Mind” ~ Of the many assumptions about those who make the childfree choice, people all too often think they will eventually change their minds and want children. What’s the reality? 25 Over 10: A Childfree Longitudinal...
by Laura | Feb 11, 2021
Review by Brit McGinnis The narrative pushed by history buffs about the Salem Witch Trials is that the victims of this hysterical part of American history were wise women who had rare knowledge. But the truth is much more complicated. In her book, The Witches, author...
by Laura | Dec 24, 2020
Review by Brit McGinnis Deciding not to have children means taking a life path different from the majority of people in modern society (if not the world). But after you decide to take that alternate path…what comes next? In his latest book, The Narcissism of Small...
by Laura | Apr 30, 2020
by LiveTrue Book Reviewer Brit McGinnis As the COVID-19 pandemic rounds the corner to May, the-stay-at-home time continues to present an opportunity to re-evaluate our lives. What kind of homes have we created? What life choices have made us happiest? Least happy?...
by Laura | Aug 2, 2019
Check out the updated cover as well!