Have a Story About Your Childfree Life? Filmmaker Alexey Brazhnikov Wants to Talk With You
I am thrilled to see the recent rise in documentary films related to the childfree choice. Laura Scott’s film, The Childless by Choice Project led the way in 2010, and Magenta Baribeau’s Maman? Non merci! (No Kids For Me, Thanks!) won a Best Feature Film Award in...
On the Upcoming Documentary, My So-Called Selfish Life, by Therese Shechter
Filmmaker Therese Shechter is currently running a Kickstarter Campaign for her film on childfree women, My So-Called Selfish Life. Here’s the trailer: I met Therese earlier this year in NYC, and recently had the chance to catch up with her again for an interview...
Talking Childfree & To Kid or Not to Kid with filmmaker Maxine Trump
Check out my interview with filmmaker Maxine Trump!

Behind the Scenes with ‘To Kid or Not to Kid’ Filmmaker, Maxine Trump
Award-winning director Maxine Trump (no relation) is close to wrapping the important film, To Kid or Not To Kid, which aims to dispel the myth that making the decision to live childfree is weird, selfish or somehow wrong. I recently caught up with Maxine to talk...