by Laura | Aug 15, 2010 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Media-Related
I like to track childfree celebs, looking for those that come out about their choice not to have kids in a baby crazed celeb world. On there’s a slideshow of 23 “childfree” celebrities. Upon closer look, not all are childfree —...
by Laura | Aug 10, 2010 | Childfree & Religious Topics, Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree/Parenthood Related
The site, Life in a Shoe, recently did a list of reasons to have kids, in response to lists of reasons they have seen out there on why not to have them. It is run by a Christian family that has 12 kids. They make it clear that they think the reasons not to have...
by Laura | Aug 7, 2010 | Childfree & Sociology Topics, Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree Media-Related, Childfree Psychology-Related
On July 28th, BBC radio’s Woman’s Hour did a show on women who are childless by choice in the UK and Europe. Dr. Catherine Hakim, Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics, baby coach Beth Follini, writer Cristina Odone and Melanie Notkin,...
by Laura | Aug 1, 2010 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree Psychology-Related, Childfree Relationship Topics, Childfree/Parenthood Related
The July question was: What gives your life meaning and fulfillment? How would describe your purpose in life?Here’s what you said and the tee up to next month’s...
by Laura | Jul 28, 2010 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles
How being childless by choice and childless “not” by choice has often been differentiated by the latter meaning the woman or couple cannot biologically have children. But not all think so. Take Po Bronson, author of Nutureshock. At his website,he has a section called...
by Laura | Jul 22, 2010 | Childfree & Religious Topics, Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles
Continuing my interview with childfree Christian blogger I.Am.Free: Laura: Many childfree Christians have a hard time reconciling not having kids with their faith–you have. How? Quite simply, during my formative years no one ever told me that such a thing was...