Q&A with Kristen Tsetsi, Author of The Age of the Child

Q&A with Kristen Tsetsi, Author of The Age of the Child

I recently had the pleasure of talking with author Kristen Tsetsi about her new provocative novel, The Age of the Child. Yes, a novel; while I focus on nonfiction in my review collection, there are always worthy exceptions! Set in a futuristic time in America, Kristen...
On the Upcoming Documentary, My So-Called Selfish Life, by Therese Shechter

On the Upcoming Documentary, My So-Called Selfish Life, by Therese Shechter

Filmmaker Therese Shechter is currently running a Kickstarter Campaign for her film on childfree women, My So-Called Selfish Life. Here’s the trailer: I met Therese earlier this year in NYC, and recently had the chance to catch up with her again for an interview...

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