The War on Choice

The War on Choice

Written when author Gloria Feldt  was President of Planned Parenthood, this book is a stirring political call to arms for women to defend their eroding reproductive rights. Feldt incisively chronicles the tactics of anti-choice activists—such as their coining of terms...
The Means of Reproduction

The Means of Reproduction

“Women’s intimate lives,” author Michelle Goldberg writes, “have become inextricably tied to global forces.” Her book provides a much-needed global perspective on women’s struggle for self-determination, and on the complex ties...
Sisters: The Lives of America’s Suffragists

Sisters: The Lives of America’s Suffragists

Want to know the powerhouses women getting the right to vote? This is the book. Author Jean Baker takes us into the lives and the fight these women waged for women’s civil rights:  Lucy Stone, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Frances Willard, and Alice...

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