by Laura | Mar 23, 2012 | Childfree Issues
In honor of Women’s History Month, this month’s On-the-Ground question has been: Who is your favorite childfree woman and why? She can be dead or alive, famous or not, someone from your professional or personal life, etc. I have been collecting responses...
by Laura | Mar 2, 2012 | Childfree Issues
The February question was: How has being childfree had the most positive impacts on your life? What do you foresee as future positive impacts? Here’s what you said: March is Women’s History Month. So the March On-the-Ground question let’s focus...
by Laura | Sep 26, 2011 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Media-Related, Childfree-Related Political issues
Julia Gillard has taken some heat for not having children by choice, and now it’s her sex life that is being satirized. In a recent segment on the Australian comedy show At Home With Julia, there is a controversial scene in which the Gillard character and her...
by Laura | Jul 1, 2011 | Childfree Issues
The June On-the-Ground was: What childfree person do you admire most and why? Here’s what you said, and a tee up to the July question: Here are excerpts of what people wrote about the childfree they admire from their personal lives (part 1 of 2):...
by Laura | Mar 29, 2011 | Childfree Media-Related
I recently queried folks on my facebook page about TV shows they knew of that have no characters with children, or shows that don’t involve pregnancy or children (at least so far), and people responded with more shows than I expected! Here’s the list so...