Looking Back: 2017 Childfree Trending Part II
Now for Part II of childfree trends we have seen this past year. In addition to muddied use of “Childfree,” “Child-free” “Child free “and “Childless” I wrote about in Part I, five more childfree trends are worth noting: Even more stories on being denied sterilization:...Looking Back: 2017 Childfree Trending Part I
At the beginning of 2016, I took stock of 40+ years of talking about the childfree choice. At the end of 2016, I looked back and discussed positive childfree trends that year. It’s time for childfree trending 2017…this year I’ll do childfree trending in...Moving Toward a True Childfree Movement
If you follow childfree news, you probably know that not only did filmmakers Maxine Trump and Therese Shechter hit their Kickstarter goals to finish their films about the childfree choice, they surpassed them with Stretch goals. This is exciting news in a number of...Talking Childfree & To Kid or Not to Kid with filmmaker Maxine Trump
Check out my interview with filmmaker Maxine Trump!