by Laura | Jan 31, 2013 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Research-related, Childfree/Parenthood Related
Let’s broadening the happiness question from my last post to meaning and purpose in life. I began to delve into this earlier in my career, when I had a job counseling people who had been laid off from their jobs. What I learned from this experience became the...
by Laura | May 11, 2012 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree Psychology-Related, Childfree Relationship Topics, Childfree/Parenthood Related
Here we go again. An article on, “Parents are happier than non-parents, studies suggest” talks about two new studies that involve data from thousands of adults around the globe. Here is what researcher Chris Herbst of Arizona State University...
by Laura | Mar 13, 2012 | Childfree & Sociology Topics, Childfree Lifestyles
In the same edition of TIME as the article on living alone as “the new norm,” there’s another one that got me thinking about childfree applications. This one is on “niche aging.” Fast forward to your retirement (ok, that might seem far...
by Laura | Mar 9, 2012 | Childfree & Sociology Topics, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree Psychology-Related
I recently saw a stat that surprised me in the TIME article, “Living Alone is the New Norm.” Latest 2011 U.S. Census data tell us that 28% of Americans live alone. That number means they are now “tied with childless couples as the most prominent...
by Laura | Oct 3, 2011 | Childfree Issues, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
The September On-the-Ground Question was: What legacies have you seen the childfree leave? What legacy would you like to leave? Here’s what people said, and a tee up to the October question: Have a post script on the topic of legacies? Write it...