I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed on The Exchange Show. Host Dan Riley interviews “noteworthy people about their lives, ideas, and current events.” 

Dan and I talked about how my book Families of Two came to be, an array of childfree topics and issues, my book, The Baby Matrix , the many ways we all are affected by pronatalism, and more!

Listen to the interview Here.

I first met Dan at a book event for No Kidding: Women Writers on Bypassing Parenthood. He was in the development stages of The Exchange Show at the time. He wanted to create a smart interview show, one that did not skim the surface on topics and issues, but really got into them with experts and those with real-life experience.

Since its launch, Dan has  interviewed some very interesting people you might want to check out, from Harry Kroto, who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry, to Holocaust survivor, Anne Marie Yellen.

Follow Dan and his show – he just could be the up and coming guy version of Terry Gross gone podcast!

Thanks, Dan!

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