by Laura | Jul 28, 2011
No Way Baby adds to the the growing number of books about not having children by choice that seeks to make this choice more understood. Author Karen Foster’s lively narrative includes insights and stories of 50+ childfree men and women. As a childfree writer...
by Laura | Feb 13, 2011
With every election we get inundated with catch phrases like “the next generation” and “for the children.” While such sentiment may produce positive results at the polls, author Elinor Burkett contends it has produced a set of public policy...
by Laura | Feb 13, 2011
No Kids is a book designed to cause a stir, and cause a stir it has. Originally published in France (author Corrine Maier lives in Brussels), it skewers “baby mania” and the sentimentalizing of motherhood. I love the fact that Maier is herself the mother...
by Laura | Feb 9, 2011
In the tradition of Erma Bombeck and Scott Adams, author Ellen Metter defuses the tension that can surround the topic of whether or not to have children with a light-hearted humor book full of entertaining illustrations by Loretta Gomez. The opening to the first...
by Laura | Feb 9, 2011
An unapologetic embrace of the “wonderful world of unparenting,” Jennifer L. Shawne’s Baby Not On Board is a sharply written romp supplemented with sly illustrations by Anoushka Matus. The book includes chapters like Other People’s Children...