by Laura | Apr 12, 2018 | Childfree Relationship Topics, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
As Vicki Larson, author of The New “I Do”, was reading Avivah Wittenberg-Cox’s Late Love: Mating in Maturity, she noticed that when the author talks about her “gray divorce” – her divorce after 22 years of marriage, “one thing kept...
by Laura | Mar 28, 2017 | Baby Matrix related, Childfree Interview-Related, Childfree Issues, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
Check out the latest This is Home podcast just up today that talks about the choice to not have children. I had a great interview with Producer/Co-Host Erica Gerard, and was happy to be part of this podcast! The mission of the This is Home podcast is to “tell...
by Laura | Aug 26, 2016 | Childfree Interview-Related, Childfree Relationship Topics, Childfree Research-related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
I was pleased to recently see an interview study conducted by sociologist Amy Blackstone and Mahala Dyer Stewart. Amy and I have worked together on International Childfree Day and have been involved with the NotMom Summit. She and Dyer Stewart interviewed 21 women and...
by Laura | Sep 2, 2014 | Childfree & Sociology Topics, Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree Research-related, Childfree/Parenthood Related
As an author on the childfree choice, I am always keeping the pulse on international trends. Awhile back I posted on the growing numbers of childfree in India. It seems research in this area is growing in this country as well. Most recently, a research scholar at Tata...
by Laura | May 13, 2014 | Baby Matrix related, Pronatalism
I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed on The Exchange Show. Host Dan Riley interviews “noteworthy people about their lives, ideas, and current events.” Dan and I talked about how my book Families of Two came to be, an array of childfree topics...