by Laura | Dec 1, 2010 | Childfree Issues, Childfree/Parenthood Related, Laura's La Vie Childfree Writings Library
The November question: Who has been least accepting of you not wanting...
by Laura | Nov 22, 2010 | Childfree/Parenthood Related
Earlier this year parentdish did a piece on a childfree/parent contested topic: if you don’t have kids can you give parents advice? Well, out of the blocks I have to say that I operate from the principle on advice in general–don’t give it unless...
by Laura | Jul 18, 2010 | Childfree & Sociology Topics, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree Research-related, Childfree/Parenthood Related
Studies tell us that those with kids are less happy than those without. They tell us that mothers are less happy than fathers, that single parents are less happy still, that babies and toddlers are the hardest, and that each successive child produces diminishing...
by Laura | May 23, 2010 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree Media-Related, Childfree/Parenthood Related
Now for the fourth area from Alison Cameron’s article, “Do children really make us happy? Alison Cameron compares parenthood with a childfree life” from The Sun Herald. This one: Appearance. From the article: For many parents, the first years of parenthood are more...
by Laura | May 17, 2010 | Childfree Issues, Childfree Lifestyles, Childfree Media-Related, Childfree Relationship Topics, Childfree/Parenthood Related
On to the second area from Alison Cameron’s article, “Do children really make us happy? Alison Cameron compares parenthood with a childfree life” in The Sun Herald. Like the Money topic from the last post, first you’ll see the quoted content from Cameron’s article...