by Laura | Apr 4, 2014 | Baby Matrix related, Pronatalism
I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed for the upcoming documentary by Anchored Minds Productions: Sense & Sustainability. Written and directed by Michael and Amanda Connolly, this is going to be one great film about overpopulation. Here is the synopsis:...
by Laura | Feb 7, 2014 | Nonfiction Related, Pronatalism
In 2010, New York Magazine writer Jennifer Senior’s feature article, “All Joy and No Fun: Why Parents Hate Parenting” created quite the buzz. Now hot off the press is her book, All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood. In her recent interview with NPR’s...
by Laura | Jan 28, 2014 | Nonfiction Related
The LiveTrue book collection comprises some of the best nonfiction books that relate to living a life that’s true to oneself, others and our world. One big area of living true involves the biggest decision we will make – whether to become parents. There are a...
by Laura | Oct 25, 2013 | Baby Matrix related
Families of Two & Beyond Facebook page follower Sharon Goldman turned me on to a new play running this month in LA called The Interview. Coincidentally, I was going to be in LA mid-October, and when I read this about the play, I sought out playwright Susan Josephs...
by Laura | Oct 4, 2013 | Baby Matrix related
When you learn the story line of The Interview, a new play running in LA this month, you will know why it immediately interested me! It deals with what I call the pronatalist Right to Reproduce Assumption in my book, The Baby Matrix. Check out my interview with the...