I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed by Chris Wells, who runs DIY Author. He asked me about my editing services, and much more! Check it out:

Here’s Chris’ outline of our conversation:

  • Chris asks Laura about the wide variety of Laura’s editing services
  • Book development services – in 3 packages, unique to your needs
  • Laura’s public speaking coaching and skill-building
  • Why every author should develop good public speaking skills
  • Why Laura began featuring her “LiveTrue” book collection
  • Laura’s books and how they tie-in to her contributions to The Huffington Post
  • How Laura came to contribute to the Huffington Post
  • How Laura got involved in different niches and how she connects them all to the art of good communication
  • The young beginning of Laura’s interest in books and literature
  • Laura’s focus on nonfiction
  • Laura’s advice for authors who come to her (or any editor) for help
  • An outline of the author/editor process – which varies widely
  • The biggest pitfall authors face
  • What Laura wishes most authors understood about the editorial process
  • Why an author needs to work with a professional editor
  • Laura’s best resources for authors and editors – including how she uses Twitter
  • 2 simple things authors can do before sending their work to an editor

Listen to the interview Here.  Thank you, Chris!

Of course if you have questions or want to talk with me further about any of these topics, please contact me any time!

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