Latest Release
A Special Sisterhood: 100 Fascinating Women From History Who Never Had Children(LiveTrue Books, 2023)

2024 Winner, Young Adult Non-Fiction!
Going back in history to today, there are more women than many people might think who have lived lives that don’t include motherhood. Countless in fact. We make up a sisterhood that is bonded by not doing something women are historically supposed to do. For some, it is by choice, others not. And for many, many women, and amazing ones at that, their lives have just unfolded such that becoming mothers has not been a part of it.

2024 Finalist, Women’s Issues Category!
For young adults and up, A Special Sisterhood: 100 Fascinating Women From History Who Never Had Childrengives engaging snapshots and illustrations of women in this sisterhood from the around the world going as far back as 350 AD!
Read more about A Special Sisterhood
25 Over 10: A Childfree Longitudinal Study (LiveTrue Books, 2022)
Of the many assumptions about those who make the childfree choice, people all too often think they will eventually change their minds and want children. What’s the reality? 25 Over 10: A Childfree Longitudinal Study gives us the realities of twenty-five women over the course of ten years and more.
Childfree across the Disciplines: Academic and Activist Perspectives on Not Choosing Children (Contributor) (Rutgers University Press, 2022)
This is a collection of essays that “engages…(mis)perceptions about childfree people: in media representations, demographics, historical documents, and both psychological and philosophical models. Foundational pieces from established experts on the childfree choice…appear alongside both activist manifestos and original scholarly work, comprehensively brought together. Academics and activists in various disciplines and movements also riff on the childfree life: its implications, its challenges, its conversations, and its agency—all in relation to its inevitability in the 21st century.”
As the event’s founder, my chapter, “The Annual Global Childfree Event: International Childfree Day” discusses the history of International Childfree Day.
Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness: The Joys of Otherhood? (Contributor) (Emerald Publishing, 2018)
I contributed the chapter, “The Intentionally Childless Marriage,” to Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness: The Joys of Otherhood? (2018) “Underpinned by a feminist ontology,” the book brings together “research from a wide range of scholarly disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, sociology, gender studies, social work and social policy.”
The collection of chapters provide “an insight into the current state of the art research on the drivers, determinants, manifestations and outcomes of childlessness. It is intended to be a key resource for scholars, students and policymakers addressing this issue in a wide range of disciplinary contexts.”
Read more about Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness: The Joys of Otherhood?
Man Swarm (LiveTrue Books, 2015)

2016 Finalist, Indie Author Book of the Year Awards
In researching The Baby Matrix I learned learn a lot about overpopulation issues, and led me to renowned conservationist Dave Foreman, who I collaborated with to develop Man Swarm: How Overpopulation is Killing the Wild World (2015).
As part of showing that overpopulation is real and solvable, this book looks at the ways in which outmoded thinking about parenthood and reproduction affects the world’s ongoing population explosion.

2016 Finalist Award
The Baby Matrix (LiveTrue Books, 2012)

2012 Finalist
After publishing Families of Two (below), I began digging into why society continues to find this choice hard to fully accept, which inspired my book, The Baby Matrix: Why Freeing Our Minds From Outmoded Thinking About Parenthood & Reproduction Will Create a Better World(2012).
- Read more about The Baby Matrix
- Check out this review by Mardy Ireland, Ph.D., psychologist and author of Reconceiving Women: Separating Motherhood From Female Identity: “The Baby Matrix: A Needed Book for the 21st Century”
- What people are saying about The Baby Matrix
- Read the introduction and first two chapters of The Baby Matrix
- Also available as audiobook!
Families of Two: Interviews With Happily Married Couples Without Children by Choice (Random House/Xlibris, 2000)
Inspired by wanting to learn from long-time happily married childfree couples, Families of Two: Interviews With Happily Married Couples Without Children by Choice,* (2000) received international acclaim and paved the way for me to become one of the leading voices and experts on the childfree choice. I ran the popular blog, La Vie Childfree, which now lives here in my ever growing childfree writings library. With a Master’s in Psychology and Communications, since the late 1990s I have conducted qualitative research on the childfree choice and those who make it. I have interviewed and talked with thousands who have made this choice.
Read more about Families of Two
Finding Fulfillment From The Inside Out (2000)
My first book was an outgrowth of an early chapter in my career, when I counseled people people who had been laid off from their jobs. The book lays out a process I used to help my clients find purpose and meaning, from the inside out.